Moneymoney122’s Repo

Moneymoney122's repo

James Chandler

This website contains embedded content that links to exterior websites, so please be aware of privacy concerns.

This repo does NOT support rootless yet, only rootful. I do not know when it will be updated for rootless.

Update 6th June 2023: Support added for rootless :D

Whatever this Cydia Repo Hosts depends on the developers!

I will probably make some packages of my own and host them on this repo sometime in the future.

Supports iOS 13/14, use the packages from this repo at your own risk.

Links to add this repo to package managers:

            Cydia       Sileo       Installer       Zebra            

If none of these links work please manually add to your jailbreak package manager.


Here's a video of mine because why not.

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  • Email me

    This page was last edited on Saturday, 29th June 2024